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Complaints Handling - 23 June 2007

"Camden actively encourages dissatisfied customers to complain in the knowledge that this ultimately helps improve its services" Cllr Janet Grauberg Executive Member for Resources (Camden Council website 12/2/07 'Success for Camden's Customer Services) www.camden.gov.uk/

In 2002 Camden council was apparently the fourth organisation worldwide to gain
CMSAS 86:2000. This Complaints Management System Assessment Specification audits how an organization implements its complaints procedure.

The word 'implements' is key here.

This is a Cabinet Office Charter Mark for 'excellence in customer service'. This charter mark expired in 2005 and was not renewed by Camden council. Apparently by 'error' Camden council was still using the charter mark logo on letters sent out 12 months later, possibly even longer

In February 2007 Camden council was also 'accredited' with the new international standard ISO 10002 (Quality Management - Customer services - Complaints handling in organisations). This was given after an apparent 'comprehensive' assessment of Camden council by the BSi.

Camden councils complaints departments are apparently performing very well in how it deals with complaints. Apparently.

The legitimacy of this recent (and other) 'accreditation's' that Camden council has bought causes me concern and I will explain why:
rior to the recent ISO 10002 award, Camden council had conducted two resident surveys into how satisfied 'customers' are with the services Camden provides. The first one, the Best Value General User Survey 2006/07 was conducted between 7th September and 14th December 2006, 1,116residents took part.

The second survey the Annual Residents Survey (ARS) 2007 was carried out between 8th January and 4th February 2007. In total 1,045 face to face interviews were conducted with residents of the borough. Both surveys can be found on Camden's website.

Though the total percentage of residents consulted was very small
the surveys do report that the majority of residents interviewed are very dissatisfied with Camden's councils complaints handling. The lowest in London.

'The percentage of residents who are satisfied with how their complaints are handled is the lowest in London (23% compared to 31%), and nationally with the exception of Walsall Council.' (BVPI Survey)

"The Council’s handling of complaints is another area of concern" (ARS)"

On 12 Feb 2007, literally days after the completion of the second survey, Camden council announced on their website that the councils entire complaints department had been given full accreditation by the BSI.

Now what is wrong with this scenario?

What is wrong and is that the two residents surveys that report how DISSATISFIED residents are with how the council handles complaints have either been completely IGNORED by the BSI or have been deliberately withheld by council officials when the BSI were conducting their appraisal.

Either way the accreditation ISO 10002 (Quality Management - Customer services - Complaints handling in Organisations) that Camden council has bought from a private company who have a royal charter, is a false representation of how well Camden council is performing.


Camden councils complaints handling system implementation from a residents experience
To make a formal complaint to Camden council about your dissatisfaction with a 'service' one firstly contacts the 'complained about department' complaints unit.

As Cllr Grauberg clearly states in her press release on Camden councils website "residents are 'actively encouraged' to make complaints", because complaint making will 'drive up performance' (change the behaviour of the council officials).

Stage 1- contact complaints unit stating your complaint. The officer may or may not acknowledge that you have placed a complaint and you may have to remind them of it. If they do acknowledge you, and actually take your complaint a ref number will be given and an 'investigation' will be carried out and a response given within a timescale. The 'investigating' officer will not be impartial or dependent of the council service or council person being complained about.

Often when a response into the 'investigation' is given it will completely lack responsibility on the councils part and will contain nonsense. If not happy with how the complaint was dealt with at stage one you can attempt to progress to stage 2. However complaints can be taken over by central complaints (stage 3) at anytime bypassing stage 2. Central complaints officers are not independent or impartial either.

What often happens at stage two, is that your complaint will usually be dismissed and you will be informed that the council has 'no jurisdiction' over the said service. This response may leave you thinking '
No jurisdiction, over a service that you are providing, over public money you are allocating???'

If you challenge this nonsense, the head of central complaints will often step in and back it up and 'advise' that if you are not happy with the councils decision you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman and make a complaint. There is still some hope?

Contrary to claims by Camden council that complaints are 'encouraged' in order to 'drive up' performance, in reality most complaints about bad practices or services are met with officers invalidating the complaint, telling porkies, denial of the problem, denial that it was not dealt with satisfactory and then a closing of ranks. As a mere resident one is left feeling drained, frustrated, angry, upset and very disillusioned by those in 'authority'. Other council officers will be instructed to not respond to you.

Attempting to make a complaint to the council often ends up with another complaint or attempted complaint about how your complaint was dealt with in the first place by officer/s.