In 2008 6 political parties received £9,054,964 in public funding ....
What appears to be on the increase is political parties setting themselves up as 'charities', companies and 'think-tanks' and a whole number of other bodies and have been allowed easy access to public money.
In Camden, Lib-Dem clr Duncan Greenland has donated over £100,000 to his party. Clr Greenland is the Lib-Dem national party treasurer.
What appears to be on the increase is political parties setting themselves up as 'charities', companies and 'think-tanks' and a whole number of other bodies and have been allowed easy access to public money.
In Camden, Lib-Dem clr Duncan Greenland has donated over £100,000 to his party. Clr Greenland is the Lib-Dem national party treasurer.