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13.9.2007 Annual Complaints Report to the Executive Committee Sept 2007

Executive Committee meeting
12th Sept 2007

Item 3. DEPUTATION - given by a Camden resident. A report compiling more than 30 Camden residents experiences of the councils central complaints unit when reporting a problem with a council service, plus other very interesting research into just how bad Camden councils 'accreditated by the BSI' complaints handling system really is.


Peter Swinglers oral report (on his annual report) and questions from the Executives.

Mr Swingler - oral report lacked substance and depth and glossed over the really juicy bits such as poor departmental performances, for which the council is renowned for covering up. Seemingly not much co-ordination of complaint logging within the councils 'accredited by the BSI' complaints handling system. Much confusion apparently as to what complaints departments are actually meant to be doing.

Cllr Rea - gave a speech on she remembers Peter as a '"fresh faced 18 year old", as she "sort of" knew him and then goes on to make (in my opinion) a very unprofessional reference to a constituent of hers, who is "very difficult" and who "no one" in the council speaks to apart from Peter.

And nonsense about what 'us customers' think and how Camden council is "more responsive to" complaints. Pure drivel imo.

Cllr Rea also thanks the complaints unit for the council again not having a maladministration report (my emphasis) - for suppressing complaints you mean? No mention of the 58 local settlements and then gets completely muddled, despite reading it 3 times, over the 23% resident satisfaction levels. Trying to make out that it had gone up to 49% when it obviously hadn't. Disgraceful.

Read a Camden residents Independent Report into Camden Council's Central Complaints Unit presented to the committee at the above meeting.

Also relating to the report:
May 2008
Information Tribunal
Gowers V Information Commissioner